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Eating: The main objective of this game is to grow and get bigger. To do that you can either eat food pallets of other smaller cells. To eat something, you need to run over it. The food pallets are very small colorful dots that do not move. They keep generating all around the map. On eating a pallet, you will gain one point. In order to eat a smaller cell, your mass should at least be 25% more than its mass. That means that you should at least be around 10% more in diameter. Same is the case when you are the prey. You only need to worry about the cells that are more than 25% heavier than you. If this criterion is not met, the cells will just pass over each other. Now because the mass of other cells is not shown, you will just have to guess.

Splitting: This function is a little more complex. Splitting can happen in three different ways. The first one is by pressing the Space button. This splits your cell in two equal parts and ejects one of them in the direction of your movement. If you are already split in two cells, then Space key will split the one in the front. Second way of splitting is by pressing the ‘W’ key. This just sheds about 20% of the weight. The longer you hold the key, the more small cells you get. The same thing happens if you collide with a virus, which is the third way of splitting. The Space key splitting is generally used to catch a chasing small cell. It would be moving faster than you, but the ejected cell can get that speed.

You might have heard about Agario. It is an online multiplayer strategy game. It was inspired by the concept of growing bacteria cultures in a medium. Today millions of users are playing this game on their phone or computer web browser. The main reason of its popularity is the simplicity. It primarily revolves around two functions – eating and splitting. The rest is on you. There we are going to explain the rules behind these functions.

This is how the normal functions work. If you want them to work differently, you can use best cheats for You will not have to learn how to hack in order to do that. You can simply use a freely available hack tool.

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